Mold and Your Health

What makes mold grow in my home?
Mold can grow anywhere there is a source of organic food and moisture. Under the right conditions, mold can appear in as little as 48 hours. Mold can even feed on oils that are found on smooth surfaces which are not cleaned often.
How do I know if there is mold in my home?
Mold appears as discolored patches on surfaces, such as black spots on grout or red spots on the shower curtain. When mold is detected, it is time to disinfect.
Where is mold found?
Some researchers at the University of Arizona conducted a study in which they evaluated 160 homes throughout the United States and found the presence of mold in 100% of them.1The highest levels were found in places people overlook: window frames, refrigerator seals, under the kitchen sink and ventilation systems.
How can I remove mold?
Soaps and detergents can remove mold, but they don’t completely destroy it. For this reason, any residue that remains can quickly grow back. If you follow the instructions, constant cleaning with a bleach-based product, such as Clorox® Plus Tilex® Mold & Mildew Remover Spray, can effectively remove mold and mildew. You should clean visible mold on nonporous surfaces (hard plastic, concrete, glass, and metal). For more information on how to remove mold, read the section: How to clean mold in the shower and bathroom walls.
Is mold bad for my health?
In most cases, a low level of mold will have little effect on your health. However, if you are allergic to mold or suffer from asthma or other respiratory problems, the presence of mold in your home will affect your health. Exposure to mold inside the home can aggravate asthma symptoms in those who are susceptible.2
How can I prevent mold from forming?
The best way to control mold indoors is to remove it at its roots. Mold is more likely to grow in homes that are damp and have high levels of humidity from daily activities, such as showering and cooking, or that have cold surfaces where moisture can condense. As the first preventative step, you should remove mold by regularly cleaning hard surfaces with bleach-based products, such as Clorox® Plus Tilex® Mold & Mildew Remover Spray.
Further suggestions to control mold:
- Vacuum and clean regularly.
- Not carpets bathrooms or basements.
- Make sure there is adequate ventilation throughout the house.
- Increase the use of vents in bathrooms and kitchens.
- Reynolds KA, et al (2012). Occurrence of mold in homes and the effectiveness of disinfecting with sodium hypochlorite. DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
- Bush RK, et al. (2006). Medical effects caused by exposure to mold.
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